Laura Hill
Laura Hill is the President and Executive Director of Virginia Racial Healing Institute. She is the founder of Coming to the Table - Historic Triangle, a chapter of Coming to the Table, a national racial reconciliation organization. As executive director, she launched and plans three annual community programs to bring diverse people together to have civil conversations about race - the Greater Williamsburg National Day of Racial Healing, Journey to Racial Healing, and Heal Greater Williamsburg, Heal the Nation Community Day. In 2023 her popular column "Building a Bigger Table," earned a first place column writing award from the Virgina Press Association. A collection of her columns will be published in 2024.
Laura serves on the City of Williamsburg's first-ever Truth and Reconciliation Committee, the Racial Trauma committee of the Greater Williamsburg Trauma-Informed Community Network (GW-TICN) and James City County's Social Services Advisory Board. She also co-chairs Coming to the Table's National Reparations Working Group.